Thursday 4 July 2013

Who Gets The House

The New Guy In Town

A guy moves into a new town, he's looking to put down some roots and gets to know a woman who is a bit on the rebound. She was a bit of a looker in her day, but is now a bit in the doldrums. This of course makes his task of endearing himself to her somewhat easier and he moves in with her. The only problem is she doesn't own the house

Getting A Place

In her past she got into a bit of trouble with a partner and ending up in her present rather attractive detached home, complete with gym and a surfeit of seats but ending up having to rent it from an acquaintance. Her new knight in shining armour wasn't happy with this, he wanted to buy the house rather than pay rent to someone else she knew and he'd be damned if he was going to pay top dollar to buy it, even if they would sell. He knew they didn't entirely trust him as they still had a bit of an "attachment" to her themselves.

Desirable detached dwelling with plenty of seating

Moving Out

If she didn't pay the rent then he knew there was no-one in the area that could afford to rent it. Sooner or later the cost of the owners keeping it in condition with no rental income would force them to cut their losses and let it go. Somehow he had to persuade her to move out with him.

All her friends wanted her to stay local, at least within a 30 mile radius after all if she was further away who would come and see her? Try as he might, any suitable places were already occupied and anyway, none were keen on such a menage et trois arrangement. Being local they felt the gossip would be too much, so he searched further afield, looking for prospective landlords. Less wealthy ones would find the allure of some short term rent, further away from gossipping neighbours more amenable.

The Trailer Park Home

He still had to convince her to make the move, her landlords were worried about losing her and hinted she could stay there rent free, meanwhile he did his best to undermine her friends confidence that she could no longer survive in her present home. He even promised that given time he would build her a beautiful new home. This would be as soon as he had found somewhere and in the meantime the only way was to shack up for 3 years or so in a quiet little backwater.

I know it's a bit of a commute and not so well appointed, but it's only for 3 years

Could her friends save her from the move? Would the backwater come out of it unscathed? Did her ever build her a new house or did his Machiavellian manoeuvres get him her current house for a song as her landlord, with no income was forced to sell?

Surely the answer wouldn't be in the back pages of the newspaer football columns? 

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